Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ahh August - the savior month of summer

August a month that is normally one of the most hated in central Illinois for it's terribly hot and humid weather has finally arrived. But wait! There is some redeeming qualities for the month. School starts. After the hustle and bustle the first 2 weeks, it's off to the books and classrooms for the anxious and sometimes frustrating tots, leaving the stay at home moms time to meet at the local coffee shops to muse about the upcoming school year, summers vacation, and the start of the holiday season (maybe a little early to mention that)without the whining and crying of all the teens and little ones. For all the working class, it's time to concentrate on those upcoming projects and other items that have been neglected during the summer when family vacations, a few rounds of golf or tennis matches were sprinkled in between the days taken off for home repairs and lawn work.

My student is back to college. It's been good to have him home, but it's always good to get him off to school. So many things operate differently with him either here or away.

August is also the time for FOOTBALL to start. Everyone is back to training, from the peewee to major leagues. The first Pro game of the year is the Hall of Fame game at Fawcett Stadium on August 9th! A short week away. I've already got my reservation in on the tv viewing list. Pre-Season starts with a host of games the following Thursday evening - August 13th. Looks like ESPN will be televising the Arizona @ Pittsburg game that night. I wonder what life after Kornheiser will be like :)

As has been the norm the last decade or so, I'll be on the sidelines at local high school Friday night under the lights and also on the sidelines during many Illinois State Redbird and Illinois Wesleyan Titan games this season. The highlight appears to be a game between the Redbirds and the Illini at Memorial Stadium in early September.

Let's not forget Volleyball. It's probably my favorite sport to shoot and also one of the most difficult. It can also be one of the most dangerous. In all my years of shooting sports, I've been hit the hardest at a volleyball match. That ball really travels faster than one thinks. You don't want to take one in the forehead. It will just about knock you out and you will see stars for several hours. I speak from experience.

Give me a holler if you see me on the sidelines or court!

Present and Past Professional Athletes - Images by Alan Look

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