Thursday, April 9, 2009

On par at the Masters

This morning I wast thumbing through the ever decreasing pages in the weekly newspaper I get and found an article about the Masters Golf Tournament that plays this weekend. It seems that all the players are complaining the course is too tough. Too tough? That should make it more challenging for them No more expecting to break par on every hole. I kind of like it. I occasionally take a heavy bag of 14 clubs to the manicured grass at some of the local places. What I do isn't considered golf, but it entertaining and does one good to get out in the open air away from the office and relax. It would really do wonders for those of us who shoot in the 90's or 100's to see the pro's look a little more human, have to reconsider their strategy from each tee, and really have to work for 4 rounds to take home that chump change. (yes, I expect many who read this figure I just don't know what I'm talking about.

Let's compare to baseball. The long ball used to be the exception. Now it's the norm for winning a game. That alone takes out much of the risk taking that used to occur as it did in the 60's and 70's. Base stealing was an art and risk back then. Now they just stand on base till someone knocks the leather orb into next week. It makes for a very boring game. Baseball like golf could use a bit of over hauling to make it more fun for the fans and more competitive for the players. Move the fence back or build it higher. It's worked for the Masters. They lengthen the course. Tighten up the strike zone. Let's see some real control from those kamillion dollar a game pitchers. It worked for the Masters - they made smaller tee boxes so the course couldn't be overly shortened.

I'm not saying lets to away with all those ooo's and ahh's. Let's just make them more special.

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