Showing posts with label wind mill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wind mill. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hot air create energy

Just east of Bloomington Normal is the Twin Grove Wind Farm. This electricty producing farm is the largest in the nation and has just started the paces of getting larger. It's also the subject of many people with cameras. I don't go out there very often that I don't run into someone else stopped along side on of the blacktops taking photos.

I first went out there a few years back when they were still installing the turbines. they basically are built using 3 components - 3 prop blades, the turbine housing and a multi-part stand. All is trucked in from a rail yard. The trucks are so long that they had to build very large corners on all the roads so the trucks wouldn't be dragging the back end through the ditch.

There are so many mills in this field it's really hard to figure out what to shoot and also pretty hard to not get at least one good shot if you stick around for a hour or so. Last night, there were some scattered clouds and I got there a couple hours before sundown. The light wasn't awesome but was just getting there. Use of a gradient neutral density filter did help with bluing up the sky.

Twin Grove Wind Farm - Images by Alan Look