Showing posts with label university high pioneers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university high pioneers. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

U-High Pioneers boys basketball complete home season with win over Sacred Heart Griffin Cyclones

  Spent Senior Night at University High School Pioneers to see the boys basketball team in a thriller against the Cyclones of Sacred Heart Griffin.  The Pioneers got off to a real slow start but after picking up the pace, the game was pretty tight with a finish of a difference of 2 points with the walk off smiles going to the Pioneers.

Post Season is up next!

Find all the Bloomington Normal Sports Photos and Central Illinois Sports Photos at Alan Look Photography, the Best Look in sports action photography !

Sunday, November 30, 2014

ISU rolls over YSU in OT, Boys Intercity continues in B-N

Thanksgiving weekend was full of action in Bloomington Normal.  Boys Intercity continues at Shirk with one night left.  Alan Look Photography covered a portion of the U High Pioneers v Normal Ironmen game.

20141129 Boys Intercity - UHS v NCHS at Shirk Center photos - Images by Alan Look
The Illinois State Redbird Men's Basketball Team hosted the Penguins from Youngstown State.  The game was tied 65-65 at the end of regulation play leading to over-time.  The Redbirds took care of business in the extended play coming out with the win.

20141129 Youngstown State Penguins at Illinois State Redbirds men's basketball photos - Images by Alan Look
Be sure to check the Normalite Newspaper and Best Look Magazine for more of the Best Look in Sports Action Photography in Bloomington Normal by Alan Look Photography

 - chimper

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall update September 22nd

Some weeks just don't seem to have enough days and the days, not enough hours.

It's the 4th week of football season.  On the high school side, Normal Community West remains undefeated as does University High.  The University High v Prairie Central Hawks was pretty much a blow out.  I can't remember ever seeing a score of 57-6 at the half mark.  It's too bad for the Hawks, a couple less misqueues would have cut about 14 points off that figure.  It's just a matter of polish.  For the Pioneers, it's take care of the second half of the season and the results are limitless.

On the 21st of September, the Redbirds finally opened at home in the renovated Hancock Stadium.  Even if you don't plan on attending a game there, drive by and take a look at the complex.  It really compliments that campus and town.  My favorite view and I need to stop there and grab a picture is from the parking lot by the renovated Duffy Bass baseball field.

The Barker Classic was the last couple of days at the Shirk Center at Illinois Wesleyan.  Volleyball is a fun sport to watch and a pretty tough one to photograph.  I haven't looked at the results, but it's good to see the Barker Classic remain as an attraction here in the cities.

So, yes - time for the shameless plugs and links.  Be sure to check out the Normalite for coverage and go take a look at the latest issue of Best Look Magazine.  It printed in August and will have another issue in November.  Alan Look Photography, the Best Look in Sports Action Photography has some links below to several galleries and archive collections.

High School football game photos 
Illinois State Football game photos
Illinois Wesleyan Volleyball match photos

Complete archive of Bloomington Normal Sports photos from this year and past

Thanks for stopping by!
 - Chimper -

Sunday, September 23, 2012

'Birds burn Bradley and UHigh smothers Eureka

The Volleyball Redbirds cleaned up the Braves from Bradley on Saturday night in 4 sets.  Earlier in the day, the University High School Pioneers zipped the Eureka Hornets in Hancock Stadium.  I think I shot a years worth of touchdowns in that game in just over a half of shooting.

Pictures from both competitions will be at Alan Look Photography before Tuesday.  Hope you enjoy the viewing.

If you haven't already, be sure to take a look and pick up your copy of Best Look Magazine - Every Picture has a Story, Every Story has a Picture.  Printed Quarterly by Alan Look Photography

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bloomington - Normal Illinois InterCity Football

The intercity games were played on Friday night.  As most know, they were moved to NCHS and CCHS this year due to the renovation work that has begun on Hancock Stadium at Illinois State University.  Best Look Magazine covered the 1st have of each game.  We had to cut it short because of the uninvited but welcomed rain from the remnants of Hurricane Isaac.  John Power Photography covered the University High Pioneers and the Central Catholic Saints.  Alan Look Photography covered the Bloomington High School Purple Raiders and the Normal Community Ironmen.  Images will be available on each photographers website.  If you don't see them, check back later.

Here is a direct link to the 2012 BHS v NCHS intercity game. Other high school games and events exposed by Alan Look can be found here : 2012 - 13 High School Sports Galleries

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday Night half lights

Friday night the action at Hancock began at 4pm with intercity foes Uhigh and Bloomington Central Catholic at odds on the gridiron. The Saints of CCHS came out on top at the end of the 4 quarters 33-7. The defense of the Pioneers of UHS looked good getting a number of sacks, stops and blocked passes but they just couldn't outlast the toughness of the Saints.

Then it was on to the half of Intercity played under the lights, the Normal Community Ironmen matching up with the Raiders of Bloomington High. The Iron heated up and struck first high stepping into the north endzone and following up with a PAT. In the 2nd half, the Raiders botched a field goal attempt by not getting the ball down. THe handler picked it up and the Raider scored a TD instead. The score at the end was 21-14.

Between games the athletic directors awarded a participation plaque to Sandy Adams of YouNameItSports.

A big thanks to the weather Gods, temp and sky were wonderful.

20090904 Intercity Football - Images by Alan Look