Showing posts with label photography gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography gear. Show all posts

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Macrolite, Taylor Swift and more...

It's not a very pretty device, but it does get the light where you need it when taking a macro shot. For less than $40, a mere 1/10th of what you would spend on any type of macro light from a large manufacture, you could have this one. It's to simple a 5th grader could make one. Be sure to check it out if you like to make your own accessories and take macro shots. It's at along with the other contraptions I've concocted. They aren't all pretty, but the do work and cost less than manufactured units.

I don't generally talk about my dreams. I'm not a person that really takes a lot of stock in them. The other night I had a dream that ended up with me at a Taylor Swift concert. (Get your mind out of the gutter). Funny the evening started out with me at the Shirk Center shooting some kind of event. As I was leaving, I saw the Tri-Valley roller derby team on the track in Wilder Field. Strange, roller derby isn't a high school sport. Well, since I had my gear I thought I would get a few shots. As I got into the field, the event switched from roller derby to a Taylor Swift concert. It was now all Romeo and White Horses. Standing in the pit, minding my own business taking in the music and photos of Swift for about 3 songs I was approached by a burly guy in a yellow shirt. Event Security I guess the 3 songs I was allowed to photograph was over. Looking over my shoulder as I left were 6 thousand fans with point and shoots taking photo upon photo. Why didn't I think to bring a $100 camera instead of $10,000 worth of gear? Thank goodness I woke up.